Born in Annecy in 1993, Bastien Bürcher is a French and Swiss artist. Following an experience as a graphic designer in Beirut, in January 2017 he made the decision fully launch himself into his artistic practice. Thus, he started an artistic residency At the Taverne Gutenberg, a creative laboratory in the heart of Lyon’s Guillotière neighbourhood. During the two years of this residency, he rediscovered his love for the visual arts and aesthetic research. He studied the aesthetic of the Antiquity period, and through his etchings he produced visuals of Black Figures vases. This series of monochromes birthed several exhibitions, two of which at an international level in Florence and Brussels.
At the end of 2018, Bürcher met Thierry Bounan, founder of the gallery and framing workshop Autour de l’image. This meeting would eventually give rise to a solo exhibition, «Figures Noires», in January 2020 and an BIOGRAPHY other one in 2021, «Mourir aur printemps». Those solo exhibitions were his first on such a large scale (60 canvases exhibitionned) and marked the beginning of the professionnalisation of Bürcher’s work.
The current work Bastien Bürcher is showing on the international scene is based on etchings and oil painting technics. According to the artist, “the principal danger for an artist is to create his own jail”. That’s why he tries to be in a constant research and offer to his contemporaries new experiences. Inspired by masters like El Greco, Artemisia Gentileschi, Norbert Schwontkovski, Paula Modersohn- Becker or Max Beckman. Bastien works on classical figurative topics like still life, intimate scene, portrait, litterature and lascape. Actually living in Bremen, Germany.


"The principal danger for an artist is to create his own jail. That’s why I try to be in a constant research and try to offer my contemporaries new experiences. Inspired by masters like El Greco, Artemisia Gentileschi, Norbert Schwontkovski, Paula Modersohn-Becker or Max Beckman, I am working on classical figurative topics such as still life, intimate scenes, portrait, literature and landscape." - Bastien Burcher