Daniel Roibal is a contemporary artist born in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Currently he lives in London with his studies at Chelsea College of Arts.
Since his childhood, one of his favorite hobbies was traveling around the world. Visiting more than 30 countries early in his life, he realized the main purpose of his work is to let the viewer feel this moment of being somewhere else, wild and natural. He describes it as close to the feeling when you go to an authentic Chinese or Italian restaurant and you get the impression of actually having traveled to a different country, even though you are in your own city. This is part of the concept he wants to explore and express with his paintings.

I would define my work as a space to be, think and feel. The base of my work comes from my first trip to Costa Rica, there i visited for the first time a primary forest and practiced a japanese therapy called Shinrin Yoku (Forest Bathing) that is based in the experience of a conscious walk into the forest. I was amazed by all the nature power you can feel when you begin to be part of the jungle. In some way I felt everything surrounding me was alive, connected and in constant movement. I was totally unable to understand and realize all the things happening around me.
When I speak about natural and conscious spaces I think the base is the word contemplation that for me is the main point of my work. When you are in the forest you realise that everything surrounding you is inestable, it doesn’t have a logic order, it is spontaneous and unpredictable,and it’s not completed, so it is a moving image, you can’t possess it. When you realise that everything the human can do in this spaces is just be there and act as a viewer and let themself be surprised by the beauty that nature can give us, you begin to be conscious of where and when you are at, and in this precise moment, you are part of this space and part of yourself. And that conscious moment of being part of, is what me, as an artist, pretend to do. Speaking about my studio practice I think is a constant evolutive process, my intention is to represent what I feel during this forest bathings and what and my way to understand nature. So in the time of production I like to be the most away possible from the real forest so I can be 100% honest with my feelings and just paint and draw from the feelings I have in my memory and not be attached to any idea of precision and realism at the time of representing the forest. That’s why is a changing process, on the way to the studio I always find different stimuli that make me connect with those ideas in my memory, sometimes is the smell of the day, the raining sound, forest sound playlists… So basically in my studio time I try to create in an imperfect, impermanent and incomplete what I feel in the natural conscious spaces.
Daniel Roibal artist CV
Work as an art handler at L21Gallery. Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Art Handler in Arco contemporary art fair Madrid with L21 Gallery.
FAD at Univerity of the Arts London CCW
BA Fine Arts at Univeristy of the Arts London, Chelsea College of Arts. (Ongoing)
Group Exhibitions:
“Els animals i tu” Contemporary Art Museum Es Baluard, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
FAD Final Project. Camberwell College of Arts, London.
“Comma” Garden Walk Shoreditch, London.
Southwark Park Galleries, London.
Private Collections:
Contemporary Art Museum Es Baluard, March Bank private collection, ArtGazzette private collection and Artpiq.