Born 1989, Vienna
lives and works in Vienna
Sebastian Grande studied graphic art and printmaking at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna in the class of Prof. Jan Svenungsson until 2019. His work is dedicated to the alienation of places, everyday objects and his observations of non-places.
He sees his projects as venues in which the ideas, desires and personal stories of a society can be found.

Edition 4, € 750

Edition 4, € 750

Edition 4, € 750

from 2017 on Photo etching, € 2250
"Starting from my photographic archives, in this work I dedicate myself to transit places and their architecture. Marc Augé speaks of transit places, non-places in which one cannot linger and in which there is only one specific way to use them. In the process of printing defragments the formal language of these spaces, which form their own non-place. The splitting and division of the buildings is based on the formal charkter of the given structure. The architecture dissolves, becomes its own condition." - Sebastian Grande
The mirror and its neighbour, Gallery 12-14 Contemporary Schleifmühlgasse 12-14, Vienna
Niemandsland, diploma exhibition, exhibition centre Heiligenkreuzer Hof, Sala Terrena, Vienna
36th Austrian Graphic Design Competition, Galerie am Taxispalais, Innsbruck
Realitäten, ORF Funkhaus, Vienna
Any printmakers out there? Kaeshmaesh, Vienna
Das Land lebt Kunstraum 53 at the Literaturhaus St.Jakobi Hildesheim, Germany
Carmen Arozena Print Award 2018 Museum Casa de la Moneda Madrid, Spain
Do you hear that? The TUUB (HKU Utrecht) Utrecht, The Netherlands
Melange Remix Galerie Hochdruck, Vienna
TRANSITIONS/perspectives from in-between Krinzinger Projekte (BLOCKFREI), Vienna
RedCarpet Showroom Volkstheater & Karlsplatz, Vienna
Closer Inspection reveals Eyes On 2016, Month of Photography group exhibition at Mican Off Space
18th Biennale of Student Graphic Art Belgrade, Serbia
Kartographie eines Nicht-Ortes Kunstfabrik Groß Siegharts, Waldviertel
Chongqing - Vienna Smart City LP Space, Chongqing, China
Artwalk Mr Leutner Museumsquartier Vienna
34th Austrian Graphic Design Competition Galerie am Taxispalais, Innsbruck South Tyrolean Cultural Institute,
CZ-A:rt Kunstfabrik, Groß Siegharts, Waldviertel
Junger Kunst Parcours 2015 Freiheit inklusive Exklusion Künstlerhaus Vienna
Carmen Arozena Print Award Museum Casa de la Moneda Madrid, Spain
Ö1 gehört gehört, Graphic of the Month
Highlights 2, original print booklet of the letterpress workshop of Anya Triestram, publisher class G.&D.
Melange, original printmaking book of the class Graphic & Printmaking by Jan Svenungsson, publisher class G.&D.
77-Magazin, alternativer Filter für Kultur, publisher Simon Goritschnig